Campaña de AVAAZ por el Tibet

20 03 2008


Si quieres unirte a la petición de AVAAZ en favor del Tibet:

entra en AVAAZ y firma la petición.

AVAAZ Campaign for Tibet

20 03 2008


Dear friends, In just 36 hours, 253,553 of us have supported the Dalai Lama‘s call for dialogue and human rights in Tibet. This is an incredible response–if each of us can get 4 more of our friends to sign the petition, we’ll hit 1 million this week! Just quickly forward the email below to your friends and family with a personal note from you-—————————

Dear friends,

After decades of suffering, the Tibetan people have burst onto the streets in protests and riots. The spotlight of the upcoming Olympic Games is now on China, and Tibetan Nobel peace prize winner the Dalai Lama is calling to end all violence through restraint and dialogue–he urgently needs the world’s people to support him.

China’s leaders are lashing out publicly at the Dalai Lama–but we’re told many Chinese officials believe dialogue is the best hope for stability in Tibet. China‘s leadership is right now considering a crucial choice between crackdown and dialogue that could determine Tibet’s–and China’s–future.

We can affect this historic choice–China does care about its international reputation, and we can help them choose the right path. China’s President Hu Jintao needs to hear that the ‘Made in China’ brand and the upcoming Olympics in Beijing will succeed only if he makes the right choice. But it will take an avalanche of global people power to get his attention. Click below now to join 250,000 others and sign the petition–and tell absolutely everyone you can right away–our goal is 1 million voices united for Tibet:

China’s economy is dependent on «Made in China» exports that we all buy, and the government is keen to make the Olympics in Beijing this summer a celebration of a new and respected China. China is also a sprawling, diverse country with much brutality in its past. And it has good reasons to be concerned about stability — some of Tibet’s rioters killed innocent people. But President Hu must recognize that the greatest danger to Chinese stability and development today comes from hardliners who advocate escalating repression, not from those Tibetans seeking dialogue and reform.We will deliver our petition directly to Chinese officials in New York, London and Beijing, but it must be a massive number before we deliver the petition. Please forward this email to your address book with a note explaining to your friends why this is important, or use our tell-a-friend tool to email your address book–it will come up after you sign. The Tibetan people have suffered quietly for decades. It is finally their moment to speak–we must help them be heard.

With hope and respect,

Ricken, Iain, Graziela, Paul, Galit, Pascal, Milena, Ben and the whole Avaaz team

Here are some links with more information on the Tibetan protests and the Chinese response:

Crackdown in Tibet, but protests spreading:

Dalai Lama calling for dialogue and restraint, and an end to violence:

Leaders across Europe and Asia starting to back dialogue as the way forward:

Chinese Prime Minister attacks «Dalai clique», leaves door open for talks:

Other Chinese signals:

ABOUT AVAAZ is an independent, not-for-profit global campaigning organization that works to ensure that the views and values of the world’s people inform global decision-making. (Avaaz means «voice» in many languages.) Avaaz receives no money from governments or corporations, and is staffed by a global team based in London, Rio de Janeiro, New York, Paris, Washington DC, and Geneva.

El Tibet y la lucha por la independencia

18 03 2008


En el anterior post he colocado una información que me ha llegado de The Hub. También he colgado un vídeo -en inglés- explicando la situación. A poco que se navegue en la red, por otros blogs se pueden ver imágenes de la violencia con que se está intentando acallar esta lucha por la independencia. Algunas de esas imágenes son muy fuertes: personas muertas, represión…. Por si alguien quiere verlas coloco algunos enlaces:

Vídeo de la represión (blog italiano) – Fotos de la masacre (blog italiano)

Si quieres firmar un solicitud al primer ministro chino para que respete los derechos humanos, firma aquí. Cuando yo he firmado ya había 71.748 firmas en menos de 12 horas.


18 03 2008

I’ve received an e-mail from «The Hub» 

Dear friend,

Monks marching in the streets, buildings being burned, students staging sit-in protests, midnight raids by the military, towns and cities being sealed off…

This is Tibet after the most violent protests in nearly 20 years following pro-independence rallies commemorating the 49th anniversary of the Dalai Lama’s escape from Tibet. The Chinese government reports 16 people dead while the Tibetan Government in Exile, reports at least 80 deaths. Watch videos of the protests here.International concern is growing as a result of house-to-house raids, imposed curfews, numerous arrests, and increased media repression.The Chinese government has reportedly placed restrictions on international media coverage in Tibet, blocking or filtering websites like Yahoo! and YouTube and censoring the local feeds of news agencies including the BBC and CNN. However, eyewitness accounts, photos, and videos (mostly from cellphones) are making their way out — and onto the Hub

Three things you can do now:

1) Forward this email- help keep the spotlight on Tibet;
2) Watch the latest videos on Tibet and take action on our Tibet action center;
3) Upload or embed – if you have or see Tibet-related video, photos or audio. You can also
email us.
For the latest on events in Tibet visit our blog and join the conversation.Sincerely,
Ryan Schlief
Program Coordinator for Asia

PS:  If you’re a blogger, please embed Tibet-related media from the Hub in your posts and help with our call-out for Tibet-related media. More info here.

If you want to sign.