Top Ten Human Rights

26 04 2013

During the lesson, today Alex asked students to comment the most important Human Rights in their opinion. After a brainstorming, she asked them to classify them in order of importance. This is the result of the two 3º ESO groups. Click on the image of your group to post a new pin with your example of a Human Right.

Human Rights 3A - 2013-04-26

Human Rights 3B - 2013-04-26

Previous posts:

History about Human Rights.

– Articles of the Human Rights.

Historia de los Derechos Humanos

23 01 2011

Estos días estamos viendo la historia de los derechos humamos.  Hemos visto el vídeo de Youth for Human Rights. Aquí tenéis el vídeo en español y el mismo vídeo en inglés para los grupos bilingües.

Historia de los Derechos Humanos


Declaración Universal de los Derechos Humanos.

Story of Human Rights

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Nuestro centro pertenece a la Red de Escuelas Asociadas a la UNESCO.  Este es el logotipo de la red:


Hace dos años fue el 60 aniversario de la Declaración Universal. En una circular de la Coordinadora estatal de las Escuelas Asociadas a la UNESCO -Rufina Moreno Cañizares- nos llegaba el siguiente mensaje:

«En 1948, tal día como hoy se proclamó el texto que pretendía cambiar la conciencias a nivel planetario. Eleanor Roosvelt, fue la encargada de proclamar los 30 artículos elaborados por la Comisión de Derechos Humanos, en un momento histórico muy delicado, en un mundo revuelto, a causa de la II Guerra Mundial. Han pasado 60 años, y cabe preguntarnos si se ha conseguido poner en práctica estos principios. ¿Se ha olvidado la responsabilidad de crear un mundo mejor para todos? ¿Qué podemos hacer desde la educación?

Como Escuelas Asociadas de la UNESCO tenemos el compromiso de trabajar en la enseñanza de los Derechos Humanos. Es el objetivo principal de la Red PEA UNESCO, nuestras comunidades educativas están destinadas a aportar un nuevo estilo de vida, que supone conseguir conductas adecuadas para poder vivir en paz, justicia e igualdad entre todos los ciudadanos del mundo. Este es nuestro reto».


Blog de la PEA UNESCO en España.

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Moroccan blogger jailed for peacefully expressing his views

11 09 2008

Amnesty International Press release
11 September 2008

On Monday 8 September, a Moroccan man became the first blogger to be sentenced to two years imprisonment. Mohamed Erraji was also fined 5,000 dirhams (US$625) for “lack of respect due to the King”. He is not the first Moroccan to be jailed for peacefully expressing his views on the monarchy, which is still a “taboo” subject in Morocco.

Mohamed Erraji’s conviction is reported to be related to an article he published on 3 September on Hespress, an independent Moroccan website. The article was entitled: “The King encourages the nation (to rely) on handouts”. The following day, he was summoned to the police station in the city of Agadir, where he lives, and questioned from 9am to 5pm. He was then asked to return to the police station on 5 September. He was kept in pre-arraignment detention and transferred to the Inzegaine prison on the night of 7 September.

On 8 September, he was brought in front of the Court of First Instance in Agadir and convicted without the presence of a lawyer, reportedly on the grounds that he had admitted writing the article.

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Death penalty is more expensive

18 04 2008


This is the ABSTRACT of the report «The Cost of the Death Penalty in Maryland«:

Maryland reinstated the death penalty in 1978 as a sentencing option for individuals convicted of felony homicide. Since then, five inmates have been executed and five others are on death row awaiting execution. Much has been written about the morality of the death penalty, and many empirical studies have investigated whether the presence of such a statute deters homicides.

However there is limited rigorous empirical research on whether the death penalty increases or decreases the cost of prosecution and incarceration. To address this issue, we initiated a study to assess the death penalty’s costs to Maryland taxpayers. We study the lifetime costs of all homicides eligible to receive the death penalty where the homicide occurred between 1978 and 1999.

We found that an average capital-eligible case in which prosecutors did not seek the death penalty will cost Maryland taxpayers more than $1.1 million, including $870,000 in prison costs and $250,000 in costs of adjudication.

A capital-eligible case in which prosecutors unsuccessfully sought the death penalty will cost $1.8 million, $700,000 more than a comparable case in which the death penalty was not sought.

Prison costs are about $950,000, and the cost of adjudication is $850,000, more than three times higher than in cases which were not capitally prosecuted.

An average capital-eligible case resulting in a death sentence will cost approximately $3 million, $1.9 million more than a case where the death penalty was not sought. In these cases, prison costs total about $1.3 million while the remaining $1.7 million are associated with adjudication.

 A great website for more information about the issue: The Death Penalty Information high school curriculum site

Human Rights defenders

9 03 2008

 Gina Conde is a health worker with a women’s organisation and runs a clinic in the community where she lives. This is the story about her work to help other women understand their sexual and reproductive rights (3:14)

I received an e-mail from «The Hub» in the International Women’s Day where they say:  «We encourage you to participate in the events in your area and support the groups and organizations working to advance women’s rights worldwide. We’ve selected a few videos about women’s rights on the Hub to help get you started». That’s why I’ve posted this video.

Vídeos sobre Derechos Humanos

15 01 2008


Visiona los vídeos de la Declaración universal de Derechos Humanos y escribe una reflexión sobre alguno de ellos o sobre algunos de los artículos, en general: los vídeos están en inglés pero con subtítulos en español.Los vídeos pertenecen a la organización youthforhumanrights. Lo curioso es ver quién está detrás del asunto. Ya lo comenté en un post anterior. ¿Ya viste quién está detrás de estos vídeos?